Acoustic Guitar Group: A group of individuals who have a love for music. Providing members with an outlet for musical skills, and an opportunity to perform. Meets Thursdays at 1 p.m.
Centering Prayer: We are friends who feel the voice of God following the guidance of Contemplative Outreach in order to quiet our restlessness and distractions. Fridays at 1:00 p.m. Contact Lynn 519-986-3707.
Christmas Baskets: Each Christmas Annesley works with other organizations to prepare Christmas Hampers for families and individuals in the community. For details call Dale 519-986-2992.
Garden Club: The Garden Club are members and adherents of Annesley whose faith becomes real in the beauty of a garden. Their purpose is to maintain the church gardens so they provide a healing meditative environment for all who come there. They are a beautiful setting for wedding photos. The spring plant sale is their way of supporting the church financially. Meets Tuesday mornings April, May June, and September. Call Noreen at 519-986-3162.
Knitwits: Our main purpose is fellowship with each other and outreach in our community also to third world countries. Knitting shawls, sweaters, mitts, toques, and other warm clothing. Meets at 1:30pm on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month, Call Marilyn 519-986-4068.
Quiltmakers: This group of women from Annesley and the surrounding area meets January, February and March each winter to make quilts for people in need.
Choir: A very loyal group of adults who love to sing, they endeavour to provide leadership for hymn singing, and to provide special music each week. They assist in teaching the congregation new hymns. Meets before Sunday services.
Prayer Group: A small group of seekers, predominantly, if not entirely women, who meet regulalry at the church, with some members outside the congregation. Wednesdays at 10:00am in the Wesley room.
Woodworkers: This is a welcoming, inclusive group of people from Annesley and beyond, who contribute small projects to Annesley and the community through their creative gifts of woodworking. They meet monthly on Wednesday evenings. Call Mark 519-986-4390 or Doug 519-986-3393.