
Sunday Morning is a traditional Gathering Time for churches.  Our worship service begins at 10:30 a.m. and lasts for about one hour. 

We have a very casual style and offer music, sacred and contemporary and words and prayers–all of which is designed to give us hope and help in our daily lives. We seek to honour tradition–not get lost in it.
You do not have to be a member or be sponsored or even really know what you are looking for–you are welcome to join in any Sunday.  Our typical dress is casual, although some people still enjoy the tradition of dressing up for church.  Either is acceptable.

We are wheelchair accessible from the parking lot.

Upon entering from the parking lot–turn right to find our main meeting room/sanctuary.  Washrooms and coat racks are located to the left of the doors.

It is our intention to welcome everyone personally, so you will usually be greeted at the doors to the sanctuary and be offered a bulletin (a page that lists the order of our service…so that you know what is going on).  We use PowerPoint images to provide a visual interpretation of our words.  The words to each hymn are shown on a projection screens in the church.  Hymn books are also available.

Children are welcome.  Many people have a favorite place to sit.  You are welcome to sit where it best suits you.
We begin our worship each week with a musical prelude, a greeting and welcome, including announcements about upcoming events.   In order to center ourselves for the time of worship, children bring in our Christ Candle, and a Bible.  We begin with words of a call to worship, then sing an opening hymn.  Together we say a brief prayer, and sing a short chorus.   Following this, the children are t welcomed to the front of the sanctuary for an interactive moment with the minister. This includes a brief object lesson based on a theme of faith, a biblical story or a moral value.  As the next hymn begins, the children  make their way to Sunday school in our lower hall where the Sunday school leaders teach them Biblical stories through stories, songs, crafts and games. Young toddlers and children can be taken to the Nursery. 
From here, we read the ancient words of faith from the Bible –  after some background (so we know the context of the words) –  we are transformed across time as we hear words that have been shared in faith for thousands of years.
Most Sundays, our choir will uplift our spirits through song, as we sit back and are inspired by their gifts.
Then our minister offers her contemporary reflections based on the ancient words we heard.

After, singing together again we take a few moments
To  talking about Mission and what our offerings do to change the world, and to help those in our own country through the United Church of Canada, as well as a reminder to help support our church.
We then take time to pray together…for ourselves, others, and the world around us.
We then give you a chance to support our church during a moment of a free will offering.  This is voluntary but should you want to receive a tax receipt, please make sure you use a visitor envelope (available on the shelves, before you go into the sanctuary.)
We sing a final hymn to lift our spirits for the week ahead.
Our minister will give words of blessing, and a final blessing song will end the hour. 
As we leave you are welcome to say hello to those around you,
greet our minister (who will be at the narthex door)

Please consider taking the time to join us for Coffee, tea and snacks… in hall.
(if your children have gone to Sunday school they will come upstairs at this time as well – or you can go downstairs to find them).

We hope you enjoy spending some time with us on Sunday mornings, and find your way back to us again…

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